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My Story

As a businessman in the aviation industry followed by over twenty years as an airline Captain, I know the strengths, frailties and intricacies of the human spirit. I have struggled, suffered, and endured as you have, and I have come through to the other side. As will you, my friend. From the age of 5 until 14, I was regularly on the receiving end of beatings, insults and actions intended to break my spirit. I have experienced depression, divorce, disaster and joy beyond measure. At each stage I’ve learned the importance of the words we use everyday, the power of thoughts, the techniques we can use to have our mind do what we want rather than what it thinks that we want. I gain huge personal satisfaction from leveraging the same strategies I’ve used for myself, to bring others to a place of strength, confidence and empowerment. My experience of watching those who suffer motivates me to stem pain that no longer has a purpose. My time as a pilot also introduced me to the nature of peoples fears. I learned a great deal about the workings of the mind from those encounters but it is only since I developed my interest in studying the mind that I have truly made progress with understanding fears and phobias. 


Finally hypnotherapy has given both myself and many others, real hope that they can change their future by developing their thought processes.


I look forward to helping you along your journey to health, true happiness and fulfillment.

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